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News & Insights

Funds Performance

A summary of the investment funds performance in 2015 has been published.

A summary of the investment funds performance in 2015 has been published by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, some of the highlights include:

  • Despite a decline in the total number of funds in 2015, total assets increased by just under 2% and net asset value increased by 3%.
  • The United States remains the top location for investment managers and accounted for 71% of total NAV.
  • The United Kingdom remained the top location for investment managers outside the US, accounting for 9% of total NAV.
  • In 2015 total subscriptions were US$1.334 trillion, which exceeded redemptions resulting in a positive net inflow of US$132 billion.
  • 26% of Cayman Islands registered funds had less than US$20 million AUM, 27% had between US$20m and US$100m, 35% had between US$100m and US$1 billion with only 12% having AUM over US$1 billion.

If you would like further information please contact:

Chris Humphries
Managing Director
Tel:(+1 345) 814 7911

This publication is for general guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice. Specialist advice should be sought about specific circumstances.