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News & Insights

Corporate Disclosure Requirements

The Cayman Islands has recently brought into effect some updates to certain corporate disclosure requirements on 8 August 2019 through the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 and the Limited Liability Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019.

Under the amendments to the Companies Act, the register of members of a company will now disclose the number and category of shares held by each member and details of whether any voting rights are attached to the shares.

A list of the directors and alternate directors is due to become available for public inspection (the fee for which is US$50). In addition, the Company is required to notify the Registrar of Companies (within 30 days) of any change in directors or officers. It should be noted that this provision is not yet in force.

Similarly, in the case of LLCs, a list of the managers of an LLC is due to become available for inspection (the fee for which is also US$50). This provision is also not yet in force.

If you would like further information please contact:

Megan Wright
Senior Associate
Tel: (+1 345) 814-7904

This publication is for general guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice. Specialist advice should be sought about specific circumstances.