Most regulated sectors in the Cayman Islands have continued on a steady path over the last 12 months with Private Funds up 3.4%. Funds may have previously been discouraged to set up the investment manager in the Cayman Islands due to the new economic...
Stuarts is pleased to provide clients with thorough compliance and AML training.
Compliance and AML Training for Cayman Clients
Compliance with the anti-money laundering regime in the Cayman Islands is a key objective for financial service providers (FSP’s) who are conducting ‘relevant financial business’. Relevant financial business is a broad and encompassing definition which covers many businesses. A list of relevant financial businesses can be accessed in the Proceeds of Crime Act (as Revised) on pages 160 and 161 (as at time of writing).
As part of this compliance, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) requires Anti Money Laundering (AML), Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF), Proliferation Financing (PF) and Sanctions related training to ensure that the local regulations and associated duties are understood by all relevant personnel of FSP’s, including Directors, AML Officers, Senior Management and all applicable staff. This training must be conducted at least annually to stay abreast of the AML obligations in the Cayman Islands and to avoid any penalties for non-compliance.
We have designed our AML training sessions to ensure that all CIMA regulatory requirements are met. Our training is led by former CIMA Chief Analyst and current Head of Group Compliance at Stuarts, Reuben Foster.
Our AML and compliance sessions will equip you with the essential knowledge needed to remain compliant in the fast-paced world of regulatory compliance. We cater to all FSPs including, but not limited to, Investment Funds, Private Funds, Securities Investment Business Managers, Advisers, Arrangers, Registered Persons, Broker Dealers, Banking and Trust clients.
Our client AML and compliance sessions are concise and:
- are livestreamed, providing enhanced learning through interaction;
- cater to staff at all levels in your organisation;
- are customised to meet your needs while satisfying regulatory requirements;
- include live Q&A's
- highlight the various roles and responsibilities;
- highlight key elements of the AML framework of the Cayman Islands;
- reflect the latest changes in the Cayman Islands regulatory framework;
- provide key points for emphasis, and;
- provide certification on completion.
Remember, 31 December is the deadline to meet your regulatory training obligations each year. Reach out to us today to get registered for your individual or group compliance training. If you require assistance, please contact our Head of Group Compliance, Reuben Foster, or our Head of Banking and Regulatory, Jon McLean.